ROV Jobs

Remote Operated Vehicles (ROVs) have replaced many of the tasks of professional divers such as inspecting and maintaining offshore structures and bridges. They are used in a wide range of industries including offshore oil, gas and energy where they are used to undertake intervention activities on subsea assets, inspect and maintain subsea structures like oil rigs and wind turbines, or complete construction tasks; marine civil engineering where they are used to survey bridges, ports and harbours; and marine biology where they are used to carry out scientific work and sample the marine environment.

As with many of our offshore roles, experienced ROV professionals are highly sort after by our global client base. UTM’s team of ROV personnel coordinators understand the skills and attributes that candidates need as well as the opportunities available within our broad client base. They screen candidates, provide background checks and carry out initial interviews as part of the process of matching the right skills to the right clients. 

We regularly work with ROV service providers who require strategic support with their ROV crewing requirements from project inception to project completion. As a consultancy with a truly global portfolio of clients, we’re experienced in providing portfolios of skilled freelancers from around the world to work on a wide range of offshore and onshore assignments in locations as varied as the North Sea (including the UK, Norway, Germany, Denmark and Holland), West Africa (including Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Senegal, Ivory Coast and Angola), North America (including the USA and Canada), Central America (including the Caribbean), South America (including Mexico and Brazil), the Middle East (including the UAE), Asia (including India), South East Asia (including Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia) and Australasia (including Australia and New Zealand). Roles include ROV Supervisors, ROV Pilot Techs and Senior ROV Pilot Tech or Sub Engs and ROV Superintendents.

Candidates wishing to enter the ROV sector typically have an HND or degree in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, electronics and hydraulics, along with prior experience honing key hands-on skills in an industry environment before transitioning to the world of ROV. To excel within the industry you will need strong analytical and practical problem-solving skills, a capacity for technical knowledge, excellent communication skills and strong hand-eye coordination. Although there are no formal ROV specific qualifications, many employers do provide specialised in-house training and will encourage ROV professionals to diligently follow and progress through the IMCA ROV competency frameworks when on assignment.

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